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Please check! Washokuju-Sakura will join Online Inbound Festa on Jun.20 and 21, 2020

Hello, Friends!!
I’d like to introduce two exciting events on June 20th and 21st.

They are “INBOUND BUSINESS Festa 2020” and “JAPAN Traditional Festa 2020”
So you can join these events on Zoom.

I’ll be introducing interesting places, food and attractions in my town “SEKI”.
I'll be appearing on Jun 20(sat.) 12:50-13:20, and Jun 21(sun.) 14:35-15:00.

Besides Seki(Gifu), you can get info about Hokkaido, Aomori, Kochi, Yamanashi, Tochigi, Tottori, Yamaguchi, Miyagzaki.
If you are planning to visit Japan after Corona or have interest in Japan, this would be a great chance to get to know the real info about Japan.
It's almost like virtual trip!

Why don’t you join us?  
If you get ticket today, you can join for free!

I’m looking forward to meeting you. 
Please share.  Thank you.

<Japanese Cooking class & Home stay "Washokuju Sakura">
We offer Japanese New Year cooking lessons "Any Time New Year" program every day! If you are interested in cooking and Japanese culture, please join us!
■Location: Seki city, Gifu. (Approx. 2 hours from Nagoya)
■Inquiry & Reservation: please check our website.



How to get to Washokuju-Sakura from Chubu Centrair International Airport? Part 1

One of the most frequently asked questions is about transportation. So here's How to get to Washokuju-Sakura from Chubu Centrair International Airport! There are many ways from Chubu Centrair International Airport to Sekiguchi station which is closest to Washokuju-Sakura, I recommend below 2 ways. 1)Train (Meitetsu Line)+Train(JR)+Train(Nagaragawa Railroad) : approx 2 hours 2)Train(Meitetsu Line) + Bus(Gifu Bus): approx 2 hours In this blog, I would introduce the 1) way. 1)<Train (Meitetsu Line)>   Chubu Centrair International Airport to Shin-Unuma station, walk to JR Unuma-station  <Train(JR)> Unuma station to Mino-Oota station <Train(Nagaragawa Railroad)> Mino-Oota station to Sekiguchi station Part1 is from Chubu Centrair International Airport to Shin-Unuma by train. I actually went to airport to report step by step! Chubu Centrair International Airport Arriving Gate  When you get out of the arriving gate,there is a sign board b...

A must-eat dish when you visit Nagoya area in Japan

Did you know that Nagoya area has its own food culture? Since my town Seki is close to Nagoya, we share the same food cultures. People in this area love Anko(sweet bean paste), Aka-miso(red miso) , and grilled eel bowl. Seki has many popular Eel bowl restaurants.    Most of you may not be familiar with eel, but grilled eel bowl is a must- eat dish! It is very popular in Japan especially summer season because eel is an energetic food and also delicious. Eels are eaten on the midsummer day of the ox or in order to prevent exhaustion from the summer heat. On this day, the air around grilled eel restaurants are filled with the scents and we cannot resist eating them! On the midsummer day, people make a big line to eat grilled eel bowl.  Japanese summer is getting really hot lately, if you have a chance to visit Nagoya, please drop in Seki and eat grilled eel bowl and also visit Washokuju- Sakura!  <Japanese Cooking class & Home stay "Washokuju Sa...

"Very interesting and fun to learn! " comment from Augie (U.S.A)

We had a guest from U.S.A and left a comment after taking "Any time New Year" cooking class! " This lesson was very interesting and fun to learn! I wan to come back soon!" Thank you, Augie! It was his first time cooking Japnese food and he even tried Kazarigiri (decorative cut) and came out great! I had a lot of fun having you! Please come back any time! <Japanese Cooking class & Home stay "Washokuju Sakura"> We offer Japanese New Year cooking lessons  "Any Time New Year" program  every day! If you are interested in cooking and Japanese culture, please join us! ■Location: Seki city, Gifu. (Approx. 2 hours from Nagoya) ■Inquiry & Reservation: please check our  website .